Zoom Dockets
Upcoming 341 Meeting of Creditors
For various reasons, an upcoming meeting of creditors listed below may have been rescheduled to a later date.
The Trustee recommends verifying the scheduled meeting date and time by visiting the case docket on the Bankruptcy Court's PACER system.
December 18, 2024 - This docket will take place using Zoom. See below for meeting information.
*Please note that if your exam is being conducted telephonically, the Trustee/Examiner will reach out to your Attorney to initiate the Meeting of Creditors exam and your attorney will contact you via conference call.
Special note from the Trustee:
Going forward, 341 exams will be held via Zoom. Please visit Join Meeting | Zoom to connect to your scheduled Meeting of Creditors. When prompted, enter the Zoom meeting ID: 398 441 6706 and passcode: 8611454471. For additional meeting information, please visit https://www.justice.gov/ust/moc.
Please note that verification of Debtor’s social security and a photo ID must be uploaded to the Trustee’s Document Delivery Portal at least seven (7) days prior to the Meeting of Creditors. Acceptable forms of verification include non-expired driver’s license, state identification card, passport, social security card or W-2. In general, the verification must be a government issued document. You must also bring this picture ID and proof of social security number to the Meeting of Creditors. Without Trustee in receipt of this information prior to the exam, the meeting of creditors will not go forward. Please also note that exams do not always start on time and you should allow a window of up to 60 minutes after the scheduled time for the exam to be conducted.
Any Pro Se Debtor or Debtor's Attorney wishing to adjourn a meeting of creditors or if you have general questions relating to a meeting of creditor should also contact this office at 216-621-4268, option 2.
Useful Reference Material
Instructions for Joining a Zoom 341(a) Meeting of Creditors
Acceptable Photo Identification and Social Security Number Documents
Declaration Regarding Administration of Oath and Confirmation of Identity and Social Security Number